Dear SAGE Friends,
You can view a new six-minute video entitled, "SAGE is Local. SAGE is National. SAGE is Global," produced by SAGE's very own videographer, Mr. George Rogers.
The video contains highlights from the 2011 SAGE World Cup in Buffalo.
Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship 梦想 创造 责任
SAGE 2010 上外附中荣获“赛智”SAGE南非世界杯“最佳展示奖”
zz from SAGE China's Blog on Sina weibo!
(2010-08-05 02:20:08)
昨天,上海外国大学语附属外国语学校(简称:上外附中)一行14人,从南非开普敦回到上海。他们在今年5月在上海浦东新区市民中心举行的,SAGE中国区 总决赛中获得了冠军,代表中国在7月23日开始,为期一周的SAGE2010南非世界杯上载誉而归,获得了“最佳展示奖”。
SAGE(Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship全球高中生企业家竞赛)简称“赛智”,是一项具有全球影响力的高中生商业项目竞赛。创办者为美国加州州立大学商学院教授Curtis L. DeBerg。于1997年在美国开赛以来至今已有10年历史,吸引了包括美国、加拿大、爱尔兰、新加坡、韩国、南非、尼日利亚等众多国家的高中队伍踊跃参与。
SAGE的意义在于——通过竞赛使高中生在项目进行的过程中体验到问题式学习与实践性学习,进而培养高中生的商业、金融理财与创业能力,提高学生的领导能 力、团队合作能力和交流能力。同时SAGE还十分注重学生在项目中所体现的企业家精神、社会责任感、环保意识以及国际视角。
今年SAGE世界杯在南非开普敦举办,来自上外附中的团队以全国冠军的身份代表SAGE 中国区参加了本届世界杯的角逐。
上外附中SAGE队通过不懈努力获得“Best Presentation Skills”奖——即最佳展示奖。该团队的项目围绕“return health to everybody”的理念展开,在商业和社会两方面都有着出众的表现。他们以中药产品作为主项目,着力推出结合传统中国文化和时尚元素的中药娃娃系列产 品,在白领和学生团体中深受欢迎。商业获得成功的同时,他们也不忘回馈社会的使命。学生们心怀对社会弱势群体的关切,积极为“草根之家”的失业民工提供工 作,帮助尿毒症患者凑足手术费,还在校内举办慈善义卖为玉树地震筹款。值得一提的是,他们通过积极联系采访成奥斯卡获奖影片《海豚湾》制片人,成为该片在 中国唯一的合作伙伴。并举行活动,支持环保理念、大力呼吁保护海豚。
上外附中团队不仅展示的内容丰富,作为来自语言特色高中的学生,参赛者们在面对一群native English speakers时毫不示弱,他们摆脱按照“比赛条例”逐一陈述的传统模式,设计了一种新颖的演讲模式,由一名学生作为主持人,起串联和互动的作用,以问 答形式和其他成员一起展示整个创业故事,最后给所有在场评委留下深刻印象,一举荣获本届世界杯的“最佳展示奖”。这是中国代表队首次荣获此奖项,实属不 易。
得奖之后参赛团队的周同学说道,“我们能获得这样的成就,首先要感谢杜校长和陈老师的支持,让我们有机会走向世界;还要感谢所有帮助过我们的李亚平老师、 大学生辅导员们与SAGE中国志愿者们,让我们精益求精;更要感谢上外附中为我们提供了自由、开放的平台,让我们实现梦想。我们的努力最终得到了回报,我 们不仅锻炼了自己、开拓了眼界,更是为上外附中,为中国争得了荣誉,并把博大的中国文化传扬到了世界。”上外附中的SAGE团队才刚刚启航,相信今后他们 的队伍会不断壮大。
(2010-08-05 02:20:08)
SAGE 2007 zz 中国SAGE乌克兰行
zz from 日沐的木匣
8月1日上午,早早起了床,因为上午有Countries Day的活动,要求介绍各个国家的特色,我们自也不甘落于人后,集体男生西装领带,女生衬衫短裙,风风火火步入会场。首先是国家展示。Helen播放了一 段古筝录像,Keith当场泼墨画国画,我也上台打了几式太极。展示很是成功。我们还看到了南非姑娘的歌舞表演,尼日利亚的土著舞,乌克兰美女的独舞,还 有菲律宾人的将敲开的椰子壳绑在身上、并运用敲击的一种舞。无不精彩无比,让人赞叹。展示过后是各国设摊交流,韩国的三个帅小伙摆出了浓汤和一堆国内随处 可见的农心辛辣面,乌克兰摆出了当地的待客美食:硬面包沾盐巴。这滋味怎么说呢,总之不是很对中国人的胃口。各个摊上有许多免费小礼品拿,我自然也不客气 得搜刮了不少。外国人很有趣,看到了中国书法后产生了浓厚的兴趣,纷纷要求用书法来写他们的英文译名,国内带出的宣纸不一会就全用光了,韩国人见到了,大 方地拿出了他们的展板纸,虽然效果不及宣纸,但满足了外国人强烈的需求。其中一个韩国人还亲手写下了自己的名字:潘昌铉,用的还是毛笔,虽然是铅笔式的握 笔法,但还是写的不错。
晚上,所有人来到了黑海海边的一个小广场,参加了一个篝火晚会。大家都放开自我,跳起了舞。在国内根本没这种机会,大家都放开身心,放松了一把。 Joyce则在沙滩上发了十几分钟呆,把沙子像撒骨灰一样洒了十几分钟。而Watson被南非来的漂亮美眉卡拉钩去了魂,Gloria则看上了俄罗斯帅小 伙丹尼尔。后来我们还看了烟火表演。一直闹到凌晨。在回宾馆的车上,大家唱起了儿歌,什么《小燕子》《我爱北京天安门》等等。如果同车的外国人听懂了估计 要好好地汗一把了。乌克兰之行的比赛部分就此告一段落了。
SAGE 2011 World Cup @ Buffalo: 上外附中赛智团队上美国报纸啦!
不是冤家不聚头 抽签中美俄罗另一组中美,最终
SRB中国以微弱优势战胜美国出线,并且在决赛阶段获得1sr Runner Up 的好成绩。
"Shao Siyi and Lu Xuan, from the second-place Socially Responsible Business team, were intrigued by the differences between their hometown, Shanghai, China, and Buffalo.
"We took a subway to downtown Buffalo," Siyi said. "It's an experience."
From comparatively empty sidewalks to older architecture, the city was a new scene from Shanghai.
The duo will not be part of the school's SAGE team next year, passing it on to the younger students, Xuan said.
That's part of the SAGE experience, too. Students learn skills and let the next year build on their program."
Other related news:
SRB中国以微弱优势战胜美国出线,并且在决赛阶段获得1sr Runner Up 的好成绩。
"Shao Siyi and Lu Xuan, from the second-place Socially Responsible Business team, were intrigued by the differences between their hometown, Shanghai, China, and Buffalo.
"We took a subway to downtown Buffalo," Siyi said. "It's an experience."
From comparatively empty sidewalks to older architecture, the city was a new scene from Shanghai.
The duo will not be part of the school's SAGE team next year, passing it on to the younger students, Xuan said.
That's part of the SAGE experience, too. Students learn skills and let the next year build on their program."
Other related news:
SAGE China Linkedin Group?
For SAGE China, now we have a user page on Renren (Biggest social media for students in China), a website( and a blog(
I drafted a blueprint for these stuff from what I know so far. Please give comments,or please correct me.
If we are going to have SAGE China Linkedin group. Here is my plan.
I drafted a blueprint for these stuff from what I know so far. Please give comments,or please correct me.
If we are going to have SAGE China Linkedin group. Here is my plan.
- Basically for posting news(link to website)
- SAGE high school main pages on Renren
- Share articles(link to blog)
- SAGE alumni network (previous sage students)
- SAGE knowledge
- News,
- Cooperation,
- Sponsor
- Thoughts sharing,
- Articles on How-to,
- Archives,
- Media links
- SAGE judge education (link back to website)
- Judges Discussion
- Workshop preparation(article and archive on blog)
- Judges network(sponsor)
Being a SAGE Judge 2011(1)
I was invited as a SAGE judge by China Coordinator Angela Qian this May 2011. Being so happy to meet many old and new faces, I felt the honor as well as the responsibility when judging and giving out comments for this year's SAGE China teams.
I was deeply moved by Soo May Cheng and her husband Mr King Yiu Lee coming from Macau and arriving Shanghai 3am that morning to serve as a SAGE judge. We have been in contact since 2008, the second year I was the County Coordinator. So dedicated and humble, she gave a lot of wise advice and encouragement to the SAGE students. While Mr Lee is good at pointing out the key problem.
SAGE has changed my life, and is still changing my life. I began to step out and learn. Stay stupid and hungry. Knowing there is no perfect thing on earth, I learned we still need to improve ourselves as well as contribute for our team.
SAGE is changing the life of many of you for sure. I can see that. When watching the presentation by the teams, I was astonished to see now we get are now discussing some real business problems,how to do the marketing, shall we apply for patent(chair). I have been working to be a model/example for SAGE students. Now I need to work harder, otherwise, I don't know if I get something to share and teach.
Thank Angela and her team, for such an excellent job at organising the whole SAGE China competition.
Standing in the Pudong Public Library, I felt my dream coming true. Angela, thanks so much for staying for SAGE and backing up me in my senior year. You must be very busy preparing for the future study in Duke. Your dedication and commitment to the cause is admirable.
For all SAGE China 2011 students,
Hope you all achieve your group and personal goals!
I was deeply moved by Soo May Cheng and her husband Mr King Yiu Lee coming from Macau and arriving Shanghai 3am that morning to serve as a SAGE judge. We have been in contact since 2008, the second year I was the County Coordinator. So dedicated and humble, she gave a lot of wise advice and encouragement to the SAGE students. While Mr Lee is good at pointing out the key problem.
SAGE has changed my life, and is still changing my life. I began to step out and learn. Stay stupid and hungry. Knowing there is no perfect thing on earth, I learned we still need to improve ourselves as well as contribute for our team.
SAGE is changing the life of many of you for sure. I can see that. When watching the presentation by the teams, I was astonished to see now we get are now discussing some real business problems,how to do the marketing, shall we apply for patent(chair). I have been working to be a model/example for SAGE students. Now I need to work harder, otherwise, I don't know if I get something to share and teach.
Thank Angela and her team, for such an excellent job at organising the whole SAGE China competition.
Standing in the Pudong Public Library, I felt my dream coming true. Angela, thanks so much for staying for SAGE and backing up me in my senior year. You must be very busy preparing for the future study in Duke. Your dedication and commitment to the cause is admirable.
For all SAGE China 2011 students,
Hope you all achieve your group and personal goals!
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