

赛智为国际非营利性组织SAGE(Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship)的中文译名。取其 比竞智慧之意。


Our Mission:高中生通过创业学习和社区服务,成为有商业实践意识、有社会责任感、主人翁精神和环保意识的人才。



SAGE China Host:
SAGE China为中国地区比赛的主办方,我们也真诚地希望有更多的志同道合者一起来推进中国青少年的发展。如您希望参加比赛或支持观摩请联系我。
考虑到学期的周期,赛智中国比赛一般在4-5月举行,决出代表中国的参赛队参加在全球巡回SAGE World Cup,如2008年SAGE China 决赛于5月31日在复旦大学正大发展中心举行。今年的World Cup 在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行。

Welcome to the SAGE network!
Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship—SAGE—is an international network that links teams of secondary school students to nearby university students, business leaders and civic leaders.

SAGE’s mission is:
To advance youth entrepreneurship and community service around the world, emphasizing ethical business practices, social responsibility, civic engagement and environmental awareness.

At the end of each year, all high school SAGE teams from a state (or region) compete in a “State SAGE Competition,” hosted by a college, university or nonprofit organization in that state who applies to its National SAGE Headquarters to be the “Regional SAGE Host.” Winners of the regional competition advance to the “National SAGE Competition,” and the winners of the national competition advance to the “SAGE World Cup.” State and national competitions take place between February and July each year. The National Champions advance to the SAGE World Cup in August.
